Aesthetic dentistry: types of dental restoration. Installation of ceramics according to the CEREC method

Or darkened tooth enamel entail serious problems: a person is embarrassed to smile, and sometimes his diction is even disturbed. With many modern medical methods and funds can restore the lost whiteness of teeth, give them correct form or close diastemas (gaps between teeth). This is why whitening, bonding, crowning or veneers, restoring and contouring teeth are so popular these days. And by no means always these procedures are performed only in cosmetic purposes, many of them can also cope with medical problems, for example, correct.


Everything today more people undergoing a teeth whitening procedure. Some want to get rid of stains on the enamel, while others just dream of a snow-white smile. The enamel darkens as a result of the abuse of tea or coffee, taking certain drugs, or when age-related changes and whitening can help in all of these cases.

The procedure is carried out in dental office under the supervision of a doctor, however, most patients prefer to whiten their smile at home. Finding beauty without leaving home begins with the fact that individually for each patient selects mouthguards (plastic "covers" for teeth) and the amount applied to them active gel. As a result - a snow-white smile after two weeks (the duration of the procedure may vary). In the dentist's office, one whitening session will last from 45 to 60 minutes, but multiple treatments may be required.

Bonding(adhesive fixation)

Bonding is one of the most effective restorative procedures for teeth. You only need one visit to the dentist, and the result will be visible within a few years. The composite material that is applied allows not only to “finish” the broken dental crown, but also to fill small carious cavities and chips. In addition, by applying a material of natural color to the entire surface of the tooth, stains on the enamel are masked.


When the majority dental procedures tooth restoration is no longer effective, crowns will help maintain a beautiful smile. This is the most financially costly way to restore teeth, however, it also gives the longest lasting result.


A modern alternative to a crown is the installation of veneers, thin porcelain or plastic plates that are fixed on the surface of the front teeth. Like bonding, veneers are designed to hide defects in the teeth and improve their color. The procedure for installing veneers is carried out after consulting a dentist, it is practically painless, therefore, as a rule, it does not require additional anesthesia. To begin with, the tooth on which the veneer will be installed is processed in a special way: thinnest layer enamel, equal in thickness to the veneer itself. Then it is fixed on the treated surface with a special light-hardening adhesive. However, if you want to get porcelain veneers, then you need to prepare for several visits to the dental office, since such onlays are made in the laboratory.


Give a tooth desired shape, size and location will help cosmetic contouring of the teeth. In addition, with the help of this procedure, you can cope with small bite defects.

Ideally, contouring is indicated for patients with healthy teeth who only want to slightly correct their smile. Before the procedure, he prescribes an x-ray of the teeth to determine if the pulp can withstand the appropriate load.

What to choose?

Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure, you must definitely consult with your doctor, because the choice will depend not only on you, but also on the condition of your teeth. The dentist can ask next questions:

  • What will the teeth look like as a result?
  • How will the procedure go?
  • What materials and methods will be used?

In turn, the patient must provide:

  • Photos of teeth "before" and "after" the procedure.
  • Patient reviews, which is also a kind of guarantee of the quality of treatment.
  • Documents confirming qualifications (make sure that he has a certificate for carrying out a specific treatment).

Today, a healthy and pleasant smile for others decides a lot, but these smiles still need to be worked on. So that aesthetic treatment teeth in some way can also be called a series of plastic dental operations. Someone turns to dentists to maintain a young, fresh smile, someone just wants to get rid of the signs biological aging teeth. But more often it happens that patients need to get rid of many other defects, because of which they have to smile little in public.

There are a lot of aesthetic dentistry options, ranging from the installation of special porcelain veneers to a complete cosmetic restoration of all teeth. Of course, in some cases, in order to achieve maximum results, someone prefers to combine several methods at once.

What problems does aesthetic dentistry solve?

Depending on the specific tasks, there are various methods for aesthetic improvement of teeth:

  1. porcelain veneers;
  2. Teeth whitening;
  3. Bite correction.

These methods are the most popular today, but what exactly do they mean?

Porcelain veneers

One of the ways to help a person create a snow-white, magical smile as part of an aesthetic transformation is to install porcelain veneers. These elements are specialized plates that are placed on outside each tooth. They are necessary in order to improve the appearance of the teeth and eliminate some of their defects.

With the help of these porcelain plates, every girl can radically change her smile. Once upon a time, many world-famous actresses and actors went to really extreme measures to improve their smiles: they voluntarily removed their teeth and put dentures, that is, they used to use false teeth. So the creation and introduction of such dental elements as veneers has significantly improved the quality of the smile, and the procedure for inserting veneers has become more painless.

What do porcelain veneers hide?

Veneers, as already mentioned, are used to solve some cosmetic problems associated with teeth. In addition, veneers are a soft alternative to boring and outdated crowns. They are needed for many purposes:

  1. Creation of a snow-white dazzling smile;
  2. Closing gaps and gaps between teeth;
  3. Bite correction;
  4. Restoration of damaged teeth.

The procedure for inserting porcelain veneers consists in the fact that the dentist removes a thin layer of enamel from the front wall of the teeth. Then the doctor takes impressions of the teeth and sends the results of the impressions to the laboratory. This procedure lasts about a couple of hours, but, in addition, the patient will have to visit the dentist several times for more accurate results. Since the records are created in specialized laboratories, this means that such a service will be very expensive. In addition, the cost also depends on the number of plates installed. In many cases, for a great, enviable smile, it will be enough to get yourself 6 veneers on your front teeth, one for each tooth.

Tooth whitening

When to do brighter color teeth, but do not need anything else, teeth whitening is applied. This procedure refers to the treatment of teeth with a liquid, which includes hydrogen peroxide. But it should be noted: this procedure applies only to absolutely healthy gums and teeth. So before whitening, you have to go to the dentist and remove inflammation, if any.

For the bleaching procedure, gels with 35% hydrogen peroxide are used, which are used in combination with a strong light source. As a result, the gums are covered with a dense protective composition, while a specialized gel is applied to the teeth themselves. After that, the teeth are irradiated with a laser, more precisely, with its short flashes. Scientifically, this effect is called photobleaching.

Correction of defects with an overbite

This technique is necessary to correct uneven teeth and smooth out sharp edges. With the help of special composite materials, which includes ceramic particles, the doctor can:

  1. Restore part of the tooth;
  2. Align teeth in relation to length;
  3. Make sharp edges more rounded;
  4. Create a truly charming, perfect smile that follows the contours of the lower lip.

Correction of the bite is one of the most unpleasant and lengthy procedures to date, but it is precisely the correction of the bite that is the very possibility. significant improvement smiles, if suddenly the teeth do not grow quite correctly.

Aesthetic dentistry aims to improve the quality and appearance of teeth. Modern methods and materials allow you to correct both congenital and acquired defects associated with the shape, color and location of the teeth. As a result certain procedures you can achieve a flawless radiant smile. Your teeth will be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

What does aesthetic dentistry include?

  • Cosmetic restoration of teeth;
  • whitening;
  • Orthodontics (correction of bite and position of teeth);
  • Teeth decoration.

Cosmetic (artistic) restoration of teeth

This method of aesthetic dentistry aims to solve the aesthetic problems of the restored tooth, as opposed to conventional restoration. It is used to correct the length, shape and color of the tooth, making it identical to the rest of the teeth.

Cosmetic restoration is used when chips and cracks appear, it allows you to get rid of interdental spaces, mask the old filling. With the help of modern materials, you can change the color of one or more teeth, correct the position of the tooth in a row.

What materials are used for cosmetic restoration?

  • Composite filling material used to eliminate small defects and allows you to complete all the work in one visit to the doctor.

    It has many shades, so that a high-class dentist can easily recreate the natural shade of the restored tooth. However, over time, the composite material darkens, so it is not recommended to restore the front teeth in this way. Also, this method is not suitable for severe tooth decay.

  • Veneers are plates up to 0.7 mm thick, which are installed on outside anterior teeth.

    They perform only a cosmetic function and are used as an alternative to restorative materials, whitening and crowns. With the help of veneers, you can mask crooked and worn teeth, chips and a yellow tint. They are made of composite materials and ceramics, which allows you to achieve a natural shade.

How do composite veneers differ from porcelain veneers?

Composite veneers are made from filling materials in the dentist's office (in one visit). Their disadvantages include a short service life (they darken over time) and fragility. It can also be difficult to restore natural color and transparency of the tooth.

Ceramic veneers made of zirconium dioxide and porcelain are free from the disadvantages of composite ones, and therefore more expensive. They are reliable, durable and identical to natural teeth. Ceramic veneers are installed in 2 visits. At the first appointment, the tooth is grinded a little and an impression is made, at the second appointment, the finished veneer is glued.

Which is better: dental veneers or a crown?

Veneers have a significant advantage over fixed prosthetics(installation of the crown). They allow you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, because. the procedure does not involve the removal of nerves and strong grinding. In the absence of contraindications, it is preferable to choose the installation of veneers.

Teeth whitening

The change in the color of the teeth is associated with the erasure of snow-white enamel, under which there is dentin - dental tissue having a yellowish tint. Another reason is the impact on the teeth. coloring matter(food or medicine). Mostly people with natural dark color teeth.

Teeth Whitening vs Teeth Whitening: What's the Difference?

Lightening involves the use of sparing techniques to restore the teeth to a natural shade. This can be achieved, for example, with professional cleaning AIR FLOW, aimed at eliminating plaque and tartar. Whitening - lightening natural color several shades of teeth.

What is the most gentle way of professional teeth whitening?

The latest ZOOM complex teeth whitening system is very popular, which allows you to achieve snow-white smile and not damage tooth enamel. The method involves the use of a special gel, the action of which is activated by the lamp. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are treated with fluoride. Whitening lasts an average of about one and a half hours, and the result is a change in the shade of the teeth by an average of 8 tones.

How to whiten teeth at home?

The most effective is professional home whitening teeth using mouthguards and gel, which is controlled by the dentist. Mouthguards (plates) are made from impressions of teeth. They are filled with gel and worn for several hours (most often overnight) for 2 to 3 weeks.

How bad is professional whitening for teeth?

Most modern professional systems do not contain acids in their composition. Special technologies and materials (gels) do not affect tooth enamel, but the pigment itself, which is then removed. If the gel contains hydrogen peroxide, then it is recommended to fluoridate the teeth before whitening, which helps to strengthen the enamel. For whitening to be safe, the procedure must be carried out by an experienced, qualified dentist.


The direction of aesthetic dentistry, aimed at correcting bite and alignment of uneven teeth.

How can an overbite be corrected?

This can be done with braces various materials or a transparent acrylic tray, which is invisible on the teeth. Teeth-colored ceramic braces are very popular. The cheapest are metal fixtures. The most effective systems are Damon System and Damon System Q. Invisible to others are lingual metal braces, which are installed on inside teeth. Very comfortable to wear is the lingual bracket system "Incognito" (Germany).

teeth decoration

Both precious metals and stones, as well as jewelry that does not oxidize in the mouth and does not cause irritation (rhinestones, phionites) can be used as jewelry. Jewelry may have different shape: circle, asterisk, dolphin, etc. They are fixed on the tooth with the help of liquid filling material and can last for life.

Detailed information about aesthetic dentistry procedures and contraindications can be obtained from our specialists by phone: (812) 324-71-41.

Everyone dreams of a Hollywood, glamorous smile. And for good reason, because having a dazzling smile, we become more successful in our personal lives and careers. It has been proven that people with beautiful smile are more likely to be successful and social status and higher reputation.
Do you really believe that there is nothing you can do if your teeth start to deteriorate?
Remember that modern dentistry can give you a beautiful and healthy smile, even if your teeth are severely damaged, destroyed and deformed.
Chapter aesthetic dentistry includes following procedures: whitening, restoration, grinding, cleaning, prosthetics, braces, veneers, dental jewelry.

Teeth whitening - makes your smile much brighter. The effect of whitening in the dental office is instant, but if you decide to whiten your teeth at home, you will have to be patient and spend up to two weeks. These procedures allow you to achieve a uniform color of all teeth, hide unaesthetic stains on the patient's teeth, as well as whiten teeth that have become darker as a result of some procedures.
Tooth reshaping is a very popular service among patients. Many would like to change the appearance of their teeth, since nature does not always give us straight teeth. In this case, you may be offered to install a special thin porcelain "petal" - a veneer. Thus, you can correct the shape and color of the tooth at the same time.
Services to correct the position of the teeth are provided by the orthodontist. Wrong position teeth in patients, unfortunately, is a very common occurrence. Often this not only violates the correct and thorough chewing food, but also spoils the smile. Modern dentistry allows you to correct the position of your teeth. You can also get rid of wide gaps between the teeth. Orthopedic procedures are performed not only for children, but also for adults, who tend to care more about their appearance than children.
Tooth jewelry, they are skys, - various jewelry made of gold or precious stones. Such decorations make a smile more attractive. Such a rhinestone can be attached or peeled off at any time without causing damage. The procedure itself is fast and safe.
Aesthetic dentistry also offers the restoration of severely damaged teeth.
Many clinics provide their patients with special inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, etc.
Inserts are a porcelain-based dental material that is exceptionally durable. Such inserts "fill" the missing part of the tooth. Outwardly, they are indistinguishable from real teeth.
Overlays - are used if a large part of the tooth is damaged, and the patient does not want to put a crown. The overlay makes it possible to save a significant part of the tooth tissue.
A crown is, figuratively speaking, a cap that covers a tooth that is too badly damaged. Today, many clinics offer special cosmetic crowns that are almost indistinguishable from real teeth.
A bridge is used if the patient has lost part of the teeth. This method is much more functional and aesthetic. A bridge is made of materials that, when placed in the oral cavity, do not differ in their aesthetic properties from natural teeth.

Aesthetic dentistry consultations

Aesthetic dentistry - addresses and prices

  • Aesthetic dentistry in Moscow

    1545 addresses, prices from 6 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in the Moscow region

    309 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in St. Petersburg

    795 addresses, prices from 70 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Barnaul

    75 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Belgorod

    1 address, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladivostok

    61 address, prices from 2 000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladimir

    2 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Volgograd

    79 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Voronezh

    12 addresses prices from 4 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Yekaterinburg

    121 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Izhevsk

    39 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Irkutsk

    89 addresses, prices from 1 000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kazan

    11 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kemerovo

    24 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kirov

    20 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnodar

    213 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnoyarsk

    63 addresses, prices from 5 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Nizhny Novgorod

    167 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Novosibirsk

    152 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Omsk

    60 addresses, prices from 150 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Orenburg

    30 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Penza

    47 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Perm

    76 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Rostov-on-Don

    147 addresses, prices from 300 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Ryazan

Would you like to have a great smile? Then evaluate the results that you can achieve with braces, implants, whitening and other methods widely used in aesthetic dentistry. Become an owner today perfect smile much easier than ever.

Alignment of the dentition

If you want to correct an overbite, see an orthodontist. Braces are the main tool used to straighten teeth. With the help of these systems, it is possible to correct the bite in patients of various age category. Braces put long-term pressure on the teeth and, as a result, move them into the desired position.

The most common fixed system is metal braces, which have an acceptable cost. If you are concerned about the aesthetic aspect, you can choose transparent braces, which are, however, somewhat more expensive.

Restoration of teeth

When restoring teeth, aesthetic dentistry uses veneers, which are essentially plates attached to tooth enamel. These devices are attractive appearance and durability.

In addition, you can put a good dental crown, for example, in our clinic you can install high-quality zirconia crowns. It should be noted that phosphorus, metal, ceramics and other materials can be used in the manufacture of crowns.

Another direction in aesthetic dentistry is the installation of implants. As a rule, titanium is used in the manufacture of these products, which is distinguished by its strength and absolute harmlessness to health.

The implants are effective replacement roots of the tooth, which provides a secure support, allowing the installation of crowns. The cost of installing implants is becoming more affordable, today their prices are much lower than a few years ago.

Teeth whitening

Snow-white smile - effective remedy location of the interlocutor. The reasons for the darkening of the tooth enamel may lie in the constant interaction of the tooth tissue with coloring drinks, such as red wine, coffee, and so on. Besides, tooth enamel may darken due to certain medications or mechanical damage.

At its core, teeth whitening is a chemical oxidative process, during which the tooth enamel changes its shade from dark to lighter.

This procedure uses hydrogen peroxide and urea. Glycol is also used to stabilize these components.

Please note that teeth whitening is contraindicated for some categories of patients, namely persons under 16 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women, due to the lack of data on the safety of the procedure during this period, as well as if the patient is allergic to the whitening drug .

After bleaching, the dentist prescribes to the patient prophylactic drugs that contain calcium. To achieve maximum effective result bleaching can be done once a year.

teeth decoration

If you want to emphasize your individuality and want your dazzling smile to be visible to everyone around you, you can use another service of aesthetic dentistry - teeth decoration with precious metals or semi-precious stones.

It is worth noting that the installation of such jewelry for teeth is a procedure that does not harm the health of the patient, since it does not interfere with dental tissues.

In order for the jewelry you have chosen to hold firmly on the tooth, a weak acid solution is applied to the tooth surface. After that, a small depression is made in the tooth enamel. The decoration is firmly fixed due to the use of a binding agent.

This procedure is completely painless, and its duration does not exceed half an hour.

Thus, contacting the aesthetic dentistry clinic is a guarantee of not only a healthy, but also an attractive smile. You only need to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the best way to give beauty to your teeth.



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