A large gap between the teeth: is it dangerous and how to remove it?

Bite defects cause not only physiological discomfort - they look unaesthetic, as a result of which a person may have problems with communication and ...

How to get rid of the gap between the front teeth?

Due to the unsatisfactory condition of the teeth, some people have whole complexes about this. Because of such problems, people can stop smiling and, ...

What are spaces between teeth

The gap between the teeth in dentistry is called diastema or trema. The problem is noticeable even in childhood, when the child begins to form the root elements. At...

Gaps between teeth: why they appear and how to remove them

Disproportionately large distances between teeth is a dental defect. The gap between the front teeth There are two groups of pathology: Trema (Greek trema - ...

What is the name of the gap between the front teeth?

The gaps between the teeth are divided into: three are simple distances between the teeth, diastema is a sign of a purposeful and successful person and they are exactly ...

Teeth Alignment Plates - how to achieve the perfect smile

Timely diagnosis plays an important role in the treatment of any disease. The earlier health problems are detected, the more effective...

What does a dental veneer look like and what is it used for?

Orthodontic plate for teeth is a removable design made of soft plastic and wire. This device is made individually from hypoallergenic...

Teeth alignment with braces in children - the nuances of installation and the cost of the procedure

To avoid problems with your teeth in the future, they need to be dealt with from childhood. In case of malocclusion and curvature of the dentition, it is recommended to install braces ....

Orthodontic plate for teeth alignment in children and adults: photos before and after bite correction

The process of straightening teeth in children and adults is slightly different. The fact is that the correction is faster and easier, since the bone tissue is more pliable and ...

If you still need braces

Incorrect position of the teeth is a problem of a large number of people, which is solved with the help of various orthodontic appliances. Modern straightening...



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