Time to be careful (critical periods of pregnancy). Embryo implantation

The most significant transformations of the fetus occur in the early stages of pregnancy. Within a few days from the moment of conception, it turns from one cell - a zygote - into a millimeter-sized embryo. The formation of the fertilized egg begins immediately after the fusion of the sperm and egg in the fallopian tube. After this, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Is it possible to feel the moment of implantation of an embryo into a woman’s body?

How does conception occur?

In order for conception to occur, the participation of two gametes is necessary - a sperm and an egg. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the oocyte matures - under the influence of the gonadotropin FSH, it is formed in the ovarian follicle. Around the middle of the cycle, usually on the 14th day, the dominant follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released. This phenomenon is called ovulation.

After leaving the ovarian follicle, the egg travels into the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse occurred on this day or 2-3 days before, then some of the sperm could reach the fallopian tube. It is there that the male gametes wait for the female gamete to fuse with her and fertilize her.

If there are no sperm in the oviduct, the egg continues its movement, descends into the uterus, dies and comes out along with menstrual blood. If male gametes are present, then they all together begin to attack the surface shell of the egg - the corona radiata. One sperm cannot destroy it; the effort of several is required. However, only the one who first manages to reach the inner layer - the zona pellucida - fertilizes the oocyte.

Zygote implantation during natural conception and IVF

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As a result of the fusion of a sperm and an egg, a zygote is formed. This is the one-cell stage of the embryo's existence, which lasts 26–30 hours. Then, as a result of mitotic division, the zygote begins to fragment. By the 4th day of pregnancy, the embryo consists of 12–16 cells, and by the 5th day it already consists of 30. At this stage of development, it is called a blastocyst.

At what time does the blastocyst attach to the uterine wall? During the first 5–6 days, the embryo moves along the fallopian tube and descends into the uterine cavity. During this time, progesterone, which is secreted by the corpus luteum, manages to prepare the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg - it becomes more loose. The cells of the surface layer of the blastocyst - the trophoblast - throw out finger-like processes and cling to the endometrium. This is how the embryo is implanted.

Implantation during in vitro fertilization is carried out differently and is most often late. The transfer of a fertilized egg is done 3 or 5 days after the fusion of gametes. Due to this late transfer, the process of implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine wall is delayed. That is why, after the transfer of IVF embryos, late implantation of the embryo occurs. In this case, there are usually no symptoms such as spotting or implantation bleeding.

How to understand that the embryo has attached to the wall of the uterus?

Are there certain signs of implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium? Despite the fact that this stage of gestation may be asymptomatic, some women, based on certain signs, can determine that they are pregnant even before their period is missed. The process of embryo implantation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • bloody issues;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • change in basal temperature.

Bloody discharge not of a menstrual nature

Approximately 7 days after unprotected intimate contact, a woman notices spotting red-brown discharge on her underwear. Even before the delay of menstruation, this symptom indicates that fertilization has occurred and the implantation of the blastocyst has been successful.

The nature of the discharge during embryo implantation:

  • scanty, spotting bleeding;
  • last no more than 48 hours;
  • color of varying intensity - from pink to brown;
  • There is no unpleasant odor.

Why is the attachment of the embryo to the uterus accompanied by bloody smears? This is due to the fact that during the implantation of the blastocyst into the surface layer of the uterus, the smallest capillaries of the endometrium are injured. There is no need to worry, microtraumas heal very quickly.

Not all women experience implantation bleeding, but this does not mean that implantation of the fertilized egg did not take place. Women who have gone through the IVF procedure eagerly await these signs, but ultrasound diagnostics can more accurately determine whether the embryo has taken root.

Basal temperature

Another symptom of implantation of the fertilized egg is changes in basal temperature. Basal is the temperature of the body in a state of complete calm. It can be used to track ovulation. Basal temperature is measured immediately after waking up; women are advised to keep the thermometer by the bed so as not to get out of bed to get it. When the value increases by 0.2–0.4 degrees, the woman ovulates; this is the most favorable period for sexual intercourse if the couple wants to conceive a child.

The same changes occur at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into the endometrium. The thermometer readings are 37.0–37.3°C. Typically, a woman does not feel unwell, as with a fever during a cold, because the body temperature quickly returns to normal.

Nausea, weakness, nagging pain in the lower abdomen

Some women are very sensitive. They feel the moment the follicle ruptures, when the egg comes out of it, and they feel the separation of the endometrial elements. It’s the same with the attachment of the blastocyst - the expectant mother physically feels how this happens.

Similar sensations during embryo implantation can manifest themselves in the form of aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, closer to the pubis. Some people note that they begin to pull in the lower back on the sides.

Typically, toxicosis appears later, but despite the fact that there are general norms for the course of gestation, each woman experiences pregnancy with its own individual characteristics. That is why, immediately after fertilization, a pregnant woman will feel weak, drowsy, and lethargic. Some people begin to feel sick in the morning, and their taste preferences change.

Mood swings

With the onset of pregnancy, the hormonal levels in a woman's body change. After ovulation, progesterone begins to enter the blood, the concentration of which does not decrease after 2 weeks, as during the normal menstrual cycle, but continues to increase. After implantation of the embryo, the chorion begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin. Hormones affect all systems of the body, including the central nervous system, which affects the emotional state of a woman.

In the morning, a pregnant woman is in a joyful and elevated mood, which for no apparent reason gives way to anger and irritability, and in the evening she becomes whiny and sad. Such sudden mood changes can accompany a woman throughout her entire gestation, but may also go away after she adapts to her new state.

When will the pregnancy test show?

All existing pregnancy tests react to the content of hCG in the urine, which begins to be secreted only after the implantation of the fertilized egg. Previously, it is pointless to conduct home tests; they will give false results.

How long is it better to wait before the test and on what day can it be done? A week after unprotected coitus, it is too early to do the test, because the concentration of hCG will not be sufficient to be detected by reagents. Depending on the type of test, it should be done 2-3 days before the expected delay or immediately after it.

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • Stripes. The cheapest and most accessible test, at the same time it is one of the most unreliable. However, this does not mean that the strip gives false results; the probability of error is only 4–5%. It has low sensitivity; in order for the strip to detect hCG in the urine, the hormone concentration must be at least 20 mIU/ml, which is achieved 2–3 weeks after sexual intercourse.
  • Tablets. This test consists of a cassette with a urinal hole and a window on which the results are displayed, and a pipette for collecting urine. This analysis is close to laboratory ones and detects the hormone at a concentration of 15 mIU/ml.
  • Electronic device. It is considered the most accurate method of testing pregnancy at home. Susceptibility – 10–15 mIU/ml. It is allowed to carry out the analysis 10 days after intimate contact, but the more time passes between coitus and the test, the higher its accuracy.

Why might an embryo fail to implant in the uterus?

Some women encounter a problem when fertilization itself occurs successfully, but the embryo cannot consolidate in the uterus and is brought out. Reasons why the embryo does not attach:

  • Hormonal imbalance. For attachment to be successful, a sufficient amount of progesterone must be produced. It prepares the uterus to receive the baby and reduces the immune response to a foreign organism so that the mother’s body does not reject the embryo. When there is not enough progesterone, conditions for attachment are not created, and the embryo comes out. The cause may be insufficiency of the corpus luteum or its absence. This condition is treated with hormonal therapy, such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston.
  • Endometrial changes. It happens that the embryo simply does not find a suitable place to implant in the uterus, because the surface of the endometrium is scarred. This condition of the endometrium can be a consequence of abortion with curettage, surgery on the uterus, inflammatory or infectious diseases. Late implantation at the os of the uterus can be a consequence of such pathologies.
  • Tumor processes. New growths in the uterus - polyps, fibroids, fibroids - prevent the blastocyst from gaining a foothold in the cavity.
  • Genetic abnormalities. Due to mutations in germ cells during fertilization, a non-viable zygote is formed. For example, two sperm get inside at the same time, or one of the gametes does not carry genetic information. Such an embryo does not develop, cannot attach, and miscarriage occurs before its implantation.

After the IVF procedure, doctors carefully monitor whether the embryos have taken root. At this stage of medical development, not all embryos take root, so patients undergo artificial insemination again.

As you know, fertilization of the egg occurs either in the fallopian tube or in the abdominal cavity. Implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity occurs within 3-4 days and lasts about 2 days. Often, this process is asymptomatic for a woman, but some still experience a number of characteristic signs, which will be discussed further.

Implantation of fertilized egg - symptoms

Early pregnancy may include scanty bleeding 4-7 days after unprotected intercourse, nagging pain in the lower abdomen. It is typical that bleeding during implantation of the fertilized egg is not profuse and lasts from several hours to a week. Discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg may be accompanied by general weakness, dizziness, malaise, drowsiness, and irritability. Dyspeptic symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, mild nausea, and heaviness after eating. During implantation of the fertilized egg, a woman may notice sensations such as tingling in the chest and lower abdomen (associated with an inflammatory reaction at the site of embryo implantation). But, most often, a woman does not feel when the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine cavity.

Attachment - objective signs

When an embryo is implanted, the chorionic villi begin to produce human chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined 5-6 days after pregnancy during a pregnancy test. Thus, determining elevated hCG in a woman’s urine or blood is the most reliable confirmation of pregnancy.

The second reliable method for determining pregnancy is an ultrasound examination. However, on ultrasound, the embryo in the uterus can be seen no earlier than the 5th week, when it reaches several millimeters.

Thus, we examined all possible objective and subjective signs of implantation of the fertilized egg. Objective ones include an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin and visualization of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Subjective signs include the woman’s sensations: spotting, nervousness, irritability, frequent mood swings, dyspepsia, tingling in the chest and abdomen. Subjective criteria are not found in every woman; they may not exist at all.

It is important to differentiate implantation bleeding from pathological bleeding, which requires medical attention and may be a symptom of the disease.

From the very moment the embryo is implanted, we can say with confidence that the pregnancy has taken place. It is from this day that the future human begins to grow and develop in the uterus. For the next nine months, this organ of the mother’s body will become a reliable and safe home for the baby. How does the implantation process occur, what changes does the mother’s reproductive system undergo, and what should a woman be prepared for?

Conception is an amazing process, a real miracle of nature! When you see a person in front of you, it’s hard to imagine that his life began at the moment of the merger of two tiny parent cells! But it is so.

Hypothetically, the body of a healthy woman of reproductive age is ready to conceive every month from the beginning of menstruation in adolescence. But in order for a mature egg to turn into an embryo, it must be fertilized. And it's not that simple!

She is ready for fertilization only a few hours on the day of ovulation. Ovulation occurs approximately on days 10-16 of the monthly cycle. But even if unprotected sexual intercourse took place during this period, it is not a fact that fertilization will occur. Despite the fact that sperm “live” once in the female body for up to three days, they still have a very difficult path to reach the egg: first, through the destructive acidic environment of the vagina up to the cervix, then through thick cervical mucus, then through the fallopian tubes against the flow of fluid.

But even after overcoming these obstacles, sperm must go through the main stage - penetrate through the two shells of the egg. Of the remaining number of the fastest and most “dexterous” sperm, perhaps only one will succeed in this - the rest will die, loosening the membranes.

It is very rare that two or three sperm fertilize an egg at once.

The following reasons may be an obstacle to conception:

  • weak sperm activity;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • increased viscosity of cervical mucus;
  • anomalies in the development of organs of the female reproductive system;
  • immune factors;
  • pathological processes of the female reproductive system, etc.

If the conditions for conception were favorable and it occurred, the fertilized egg (or zygote) begins to move towards the uterus, continuing to fragment along the way. At the same time, it does not increase in size, remaining at this stage 13 microns in size, but simply divides into smaller and smaller cells, forming a blastocyst on the fifth day of development - this is the name of a special stage of embryo development. By the end of its formation, the blastocyst consists of approximately two hundred cells.

Implantation process

Even before fertilization occurs, literally from the first day of the cycle, the processes of preparation for the development of a possible pregnancy began in the uterus. The endometrium, which lines the inside of the uterus, begins to grow. If conception does not occur, the endometrial cells will leave her with menstrual flow. But if pregnancy occurs, the endometrium will play an important role in attaching the embryo to the uterus: implantation is both physical and chemical contact between the endometrium and the blastocyst. Implantation is the process of attachment of an embryo to the inner wall of the uterus.

The outside of the blastocyst consists of special cells - trophoblast, and the internal cells are called embryoblast. The top of the blastocyst is covered by a membrane called hatching. By the time of implantation, the blastocyst resets hatching, and the trophoblast throws out processes, with the help of which it will be more convenient and reliable to plunge into the endometrial layer.

This is how the egg attaches to the uterus, and the endometrium, which nourishes it, continues to grow, surrounding the egg on all sides at the same time. The trophoblast begins to perform a new function - to produce a special pregnancy hormone, hCG, and from now on, pregnancy can be confirmed by a blood test, and a little later it will appear, then the pregnancy will be confirmed using a pharmacy test strip.

What can interfere

Quite often, egg implantation is difficult. Among the common reasons:

  • absence or disruption of the mechanism of adaptation of the maternal body’s immunity to pregnancy;
  • the presence of antibodies to cells that play an important role in the development of pregnancy;
  • genetic malfunctions of the embryo;
  • insufficiency of the uterine endometrium, etc.

If the transport of the zygote through the fallopian tubes is disrupted, it is possible for the embryo to be fixed outside the uterus (in the tube, in the ovary, sometimes in the abdominal cavity), and then we are talking about an ectopic pregnancy, a pathological condition that is dangerous not only for reproductive health, but also for life women.

On what day does the egg attach to the wall of the uterus?

HCG gives the body a signal that pregnancy is occurring and hormonal changes begin. Because of this, the process of maturation of new eggs stops, and approximately 14 days after ovulation, non-pregnant women expect menstruation, but if an embryo is already developing in the uterus, menstruation does not come - this is one of the very first and most reliable signs of pregnancy.

Stages of preimplantation development of the human embryo from the first to the seventh day. After fertilization, cell division occurs. Around the fifth day, the blastocyst appears. It is a fluid-filled structure consisting of an inner cell mass (white arrow) and a trophoblast (gray arrow). On the seventh day, the embryo is ready for implantation into the wall of the uterus.

Gynecological and embryological studies do not always make it possible to accurately determine on what day after conception the implantation of the embryo occurs. In most cases, this occurs 7-8 days after fertilization. Since the moment of fertilization coincides or approximately coincides (with a difference of up to a day) with ovulation, we can say that after ovulation, implantation of the embryo occurs on days 7-9.

But sometimes deadlines can shift. If implantation occurred before the seventh day after conception, the term “early implantation” is used. If implantation of the embryo occurs after ovulation later than 10 days, then gynecologists use the concept of “late implantation.” In general, the timing of implantation does not affect the further course of pregnancy.

How many days does implantation last on average? The process takes from several hours to 2-3 days - this is an individual feature of the female body.

Signs and symptoms

Are there any signs by which one can suspect that embryonic implantation has occurred in the uterus? Many women note that no unusual sensations accompany this process.

However, specific symptoms may be present:

  • Implantation bleeding: small spotting that is sometimes mistaken for a period. This bleeding is short-lived and occurs as a result of damage to blood vessels when the blastocyst penetrates the endometrium. Many people confuse discharge during embryo implantation with the onset of menstruation. The difference is that menstruation is heavy. Bleeding during egg implantation is very scanty, and sometimes there is none at all;
  • pain: sometimes in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the lower back;
  • change in readings (implantation retraction on the graph, when the temperature drops from 37 - 37.5 degrees to 36.7-36.9). However, this retraction may not happen;
  • malaise, dizziness.

On what day will the test show two lines?

On what day after implantation will the test show a positive result? Ideally, a home express method for diagnosing pregnancy should be carried out at least from the first day of missed menstruation. But modern ultra-sensitive tests make it possible to do this before the delay, already five to six days after the intended implantation.

However, the result of a laboratory blood test for hCG is much more reliable, because it is in the blood that the concentration of this hormone is higher than in the urine, especially in the early stages.

Security measures

The first trimester of pregnancy - the time from the moment of conception to 10-12 gestational weeks (or 12-14 obstetric weeks) - is a difficult stage; it is called the critical stage of pregnancy. At this time, not only implantation occurs, but also the formation of all the internal organs and systems of the baby. Heavy physical activity, stress, taking antibiotics, infections and even poor nutrition can negatively affect the well-being of your pregnancy.

If there are gynecological diseases associated with a possible threat of miscarriage, the doctor may prescribe special medications that will help preserve it. For example, in case of progesterone deficiency in the second phase of the cycle, duphaston or is used.

It is worth protecting yourself from sudden changes in temperature, avoid visiting the steam room and taking a hot bath.

During feasts, you should resist the temptation to drink a glass or two of wine. Positive emotions, a positive attitude, good nutrition, a sufficient amount of fresh air, loving and understanding people around - this is the affordable minimum that every expectant mother has the right to afford so that the process of embryo implantation is successful and further pregnancy proceeds without pathologies.

It's incredible how difficult the process of conceiving a new life is. Every cycle, a woman’s body undergoes enormous changes. Starting from the process of egg formation to its maturation, fertilization and attachment to the uterine mucosa. At the same time, male sperm have to work hard to reach a female cell ready for conception. And most importantly, each of these processes can only occur under certain conditions. The readiness of the egg is possible only with the normal functioning of the ovaries, and conception is possible only with the activity of the partner’s sperm. Implantation can occur only with good patency of the tubes and favorable uterine mucosa. Each of these stages is extremely important for a future pregnancy, but the final chord of the entire process is the day of implantation of the fertilized egg.

  1. After merging with a sperm, the egg is covered with a protective membrane that prevents other male cells from penetrating through it. It is under the protection of this shield that the egg will remain until it reaches the uterine cavity.
  2. The moment of fusion of male and female cells forms a zygote, which immediately begins to divide into many small cells. At the same time, the fertilized egg moves through the fallopian tubes thanks to the villous epithelium and rhythmic muscle contractions, which push it upward.
  3. Only when it reaches the uterine cavity does the protective film come off from the fertilized egg. The trophoblast formed during the cell’s journey through the reproductive organs becomes the main assistant in the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. In the future, it helps the fetus in the formation of the placenta, which protects the child.
  4. There is a possibility that the resulting membrane of the fertilized egg will be too dense. In this case, no matter how strong the zygote is, there is no hope for successful implantation of the fertilized egg. According to statistics, only healthy blastocysts without genetic abnormalities manage to successfully gain a foothold in the uterine cavity. It is at this stage that embryos with congenital pathologies do not undergo natural selection by the female body. Therefore, the likelihood of pregnancy failure even at this stage is still very high.

In addition to natural factors, the reasons for unsuccessful implantation of the fertilized egg can be disturbances in the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system. Namely:

  • thickness of the protective capsule of the fertilized egg;
  • deviations in blastocyst development;
  • damage to the uterine epithelium, diseases, etc.;
  • lack of hormones, and in particular progesterone, to create the necessary conditions for implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • insufficient nutrition of uterine tissues for fetal development.

After the embryo is fixed in the wall of the uterus, the fetus rapidly grows and the woman’s condition changes: her hCG level, hormonal levels and other signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

On what day does implantation of the fertilized egg occur?

If you think that a matter of days, or even hours, pass between the fact of fertilization and the full development of the embryo, you are very mistaken. The process of “wandering” the zygote through the fallopian tubes can take up to 7 days, or even more. Of course, objective and subjective factors of a woman’s health status are an important factor. Therefore, in each individual case the timing may be different.

  1. How long the fertilized egg can travel through the fallopian tubes while remaining capable of implantation is affected by its strength. In addition, a favorable hormonal background and changing circumstances will play an important role, contributing to the speedy achievement of the goal.
  2. In medicine, cases of early and late embryo implantation after fertilization are recorded.
  3. Gynecologists have found that the average period of embryo consolidation in the endometrium of the uterus occurs on days 6–12 from the moment of ovulation. In fact, this period is the moment when regular bleeding begins - 3 to 4 days.
  4. The process of implantation of the blastocyst also does not occur instantly. Fixed deadlines range from several hours to a day. The average implementation period takes about 40 hours. At this time, the traphoblast of the fertilized egg penetrates the endometrium of the uterus and strengthens there. The duration depends on the consolidation process and the so-called activity phases. The procedure can either speed up or slow down, up to short stops. This is associated with the occasional signs that a woman feels during implantation of the fertilized egg.
  5. It is the process of implantation and consolidation of the embryo that is most important for pregnancy. This “test of strength” is the first and main stage of the new life’s struggle for existence. Its successful completion guarantees the further development and growth of the fetus, regardless of future obstacles.
  6. The new life, although it is part of the female body, still carries a piece of foreign genetic material, which, according to the defense system, must be rejected. Therefore, it is so important for the expectant mother to be careful during implantation and pregnancy.

Signs of implantation of the fertilized egg

By what signs and sensations can one recognize the beginning of the implantation process? Most expectant mothers are not even aware of the ongoing processes. The woman does not experience any dramatic or tangible changes at this time. Of course, mothers who are especially eager to replenish their family are ready to see signs of implantation of the fertilized egg in the slightest changes and even in their absence. However, it is stupid to deny global processes inside the uterus during this period, so many gynecologists confirm that the woman still feels weak but specific sensations during implantation. The question is whether every mother expecting pregnancy can objectively assess one or another reaction of her changing body.

Let's consider what signs of implantation of the fertilized egg are the most common, and how a woman can independently identify them:

  1. Implantation bleeding.
    This is the name of a small darkened discharge from the vagina during implantation of the fertilized egg, which immediately differs in color from the background of regular leucorrhoea. The fact is that the implantation process is accompanied by damage to the upper layers of the uterine mucosa. The rupture of the capillaries leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood, which comes out in the form of scanty inclusions.
  1. It's a dull pain.
    Depending on the threshold of sensitivity, different women experience unobtrusive pulling sensations in the lower abdomen or, on the contrary, sharp tingling pains at the site of attachment of the egg.
  1. Elevated temperature level.
    In women who are in the stage of implantation of the fertilized egg, there is a slight increase in general and basal temperatures. After successful consolidation, it remains at this level throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. Such temperature readings are a normal reaction of the body to pregnancy and internal changes.
  1. Implantation retraction.
    Implantation retraction is understood as a jump in the level of basal temperature towards a decrease and before its further persistent increase to the level of pregnancy in the early stages. It is a sharp decrease in basal temperature by 1.5 degrees that most likely indicates the onset of pregnancy.
  1. Attacks of nausea and metallic taste.
    This sign of implantation of the fertilized egg is difficult to correctly identify and women often confuse it with attacks of food poisoning. The metallic taste may not be clearly felt, and not all women experience nausea.
  1. Weakness.
    During implantation of the fertilized egg, it is common for a woman to feel a slight malaise, and attacks of dizziness are possible. Usually during this period, fatigue and apathy are very acute.
  1. Change of mood.
    During the implantation of the egg, the expectant mother experiences sudden mood swings, which can easily be mistaken for premenstrual syndrome. Unexpected mood swings, emotional outbursts of a positive and negative nature, attacks of self-pity, an acute need for love and attention, whining and tears.

Discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg

  1. Implantation bleeding, which we have already discussed above, is nothing terrible and all discomfort is extremely mild and short-lived. However, pregnancy begins after implantation, and in the first weeks there is a high probability of failure due to similar sensations.
  2. The fact is that nagging pain against the background of abundant and prolonged bloody vaginal discharge can be a clear sign of a threatened pregnancy failure. Also, similar symptoms often appear as a result of sexually transmitted infections and some gynecological diseases.
  3. Due to such similarity of symptoms and against the backdrop of a great desire to get pregnant, women often neglect such reactions of the body, attributing everything to expected implantation bleeding. However, it is worth clearly distinguishing between such conditions in order to prevent negative consequences for the health of the woman and the fetus.
  4. Implantation bleeding looks like normal regular bleeding. The only difference is that with a very low probability you can see a small drop of blood in them. It is the minimal inclusion, which is in no way similar to menstrual bleeding, that can be identified as the result of successful implantation of the fertilized egg. All other manifestations, and especially prolonged bloody discharge, should be a signal to immediately consult a doctor.
  5. Despite its name, implantation bleeding is not related to or has anything to do with bleeding as it is commonly understood.

Implantation of fertilized egg during IVF

Modern medicine shows systematic progress in the field of artificial insemination. It is not surprising that many families resort to IVF implantation methods for a successful pregnancy.

  1. The differences in the sensations between natural pregnancy and IVF are almost unnoticeable. All sorts of signs of implantation of the fertilized egg may or may not be felt, which is, in principle, completely normal.
  2. However, there are also possible differences. An egg, fertilization of which during IVF occurs outside the female body, needs time to adapt to the new conditions of existence inside the uterus. It is precisely because of the high probability of egg death during adaptation, and to increase efficiency, that several embryos are implanted at once during IVF.
  3. A significant difference between implantation after IVF is its duration and speed of implementation. It often occurs a little longer than usual, so the symptoms you feel may last a little longer.
  4. To minimize the risks of embryo failure during implantation in the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother should be extremely careful and vigilant. Namely:
  • do not limit yourself to proper rest;
  • eliminate physical overload, do not lift heavy objects;
  • do not take a hot bath or shower;
  • exclude sex;
  • do not overcool;
  • eat regularly and properly;
  • walk more, breathe fresh air;
  • do not travel on foot for long distances;
  • give up bad habits and eliminate the influence of negative external factors;
  • limit communication with sick people and visiting crowded places.
  1. Particular attention should be paid to pregnancy after IVF in the period up to 20 weeks. This doesn't mean that after this you can go back to bad habits and jump over fences, but you can loosen your grip a little and calm down. It has been proven that after this period the enclosing placenta of the fetus completes its formation and the embryo receives additional internal protection. From the point of view of obstetrics, the implantation of the embryo continues all this time, and only after the 20th week does the active development and growth of the child begin.

Implantation of fertilized egg. Video

Implantation of the fertilized egg is the very beginning of the pregnancy period. It is practically not noticeable by the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it is incredibly important for the development of the child. Its importance is confirmed by the fact that if the fertilized egg is not implanted, the child simply will not turn out.

In this article we will look at the symptoms of implantation of the fertilized egg, its timing and the sensations that a woman may experience. Many scientists argue that for the first time a woman feels something after implantation, however, discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg can say a lot.

When does implantation of the fertilized egg occur: timing

Implantation of the fertilized egg is the day on which the egg is implanted in the uterus. This usually happens four days after successful sex. The attachment period itself takes about 48 hours.

It is at this time that the body begins to produce the hormone hCG. Thus, in just a week and a half you can take a test and find out about a possible pregnancy. And you don’t have to wait at all for mythical signs of implantation of the fertilized egg.

However, it must be remembered that the best result will be obtained by a blood test, which can be taken in any paid clinical office.

Symptoms of fertilized egg implantation

Yes, many doctors claim that pain during implantation of the fertilized egg is simply impossible and cannot disturb any woman, since all this happens at the cellular level and the size of the fertilized egg is minimal. However, many women claim that they felt a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, and their nature is completely unclear.

As for the discharge during implantation of the fertilized egg, this is a completely different matter. This may be scanty (and only such) discharge with small amounts of blood. Otherwise, the cause of such symptoms may be alarming. Thus, bleeding and other discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle may not indicate implantation of the fertilized egg, but a deterioration in the woman’s physical condition.

So, if we talk about the sensations during implantation of the fertilized egg, then we can say that this moment passes without a trace for most women. It is worth remembering that implantation of the fertilized egg, the signs of which are too obvious for a woman, most likely indicates that it was unsuccessful, and you should see a doctor.

Overview of the fertilized egg implantation process

So, what a woman feels, what discharge she may have during implantation of the fertilized egg is described. Now we can move on to the “look from the inside.” Namely, consider how the egg behaves at this time.

The egg begins to move towards the uterus. At this time, she still continues to divide. During this period, doctors no longer call it an egg, but a morula. At this moment, it consists of thirty-two cells and looks somewhat like a raspberry.

The egg moved to the uterus for three days, and then for the same amount of time it continued to move to the place of attachment. By the sixth day, the morula becomes a blastocyst. At this moment there are two hundred and fifty cells in it and its size is already one and a half millimeters. It already consists of two layers - the fleecy surface (trophoblast) and the embryo itself (embryoblast). The temperature during implantation of the fertilized egg should not exceed the norm. Therefore, if a woman plans to become a mother, she is not recommended to take very hot baths. The villi help the embryo to merge with the mother's body. And the whole process takes at least forty hours.

You can see your future baby for the first time three to four weeks after implantation of the fertilized egg. At this time it reaches a size of about a centimeter.



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